Online English Courses

مدرس : احمد ربیعی

اشتباهات رایج زبان

Recognize and Overcome the most common English mistakes made by English language learners worldwide , say goodbye to mistakes

دوره مکالمه ۱

Master your Conversation skills and Improve your English speaking through learning 10 helpful phrases in each lesson

۵۰۰ کلمه اساسی

Understand and Learn the most common Vocabularies used in Conversations and Everyday English Life and business

دوره مکالمه ۳

Learn and master the most common English phrases and sentences which can help you reach an advance level of speaking

روش های یادگیری مهم

Gain the confidence to speak English anywhere, anytime so you no longer have to fear mistakes or worry what others think

تقویت گوش کردن

Improve your Listening Skill + Vocabulary , Grammar and Pronunciation all together Right now , so you can have everything

دوره جامع ۵۰۴

Most comprehensive Vocabulary course of all time .. Learn hundreds of words through Movies , Pictures, Stories and ...

روان صحبت کنیم

How to finally become an Advanced English Speaker , Learn and Understand 10 Great Fundamental Steps for English Fluency

دوره مکالمه ۲

Here you can see and check the teacher's work , experience and the resume which explains all the details about Ahmad rabiee

اصطلاحات آمریکایی

Learn Hundreds of most common Idioms ! Speak English like Natives that you need to know in order to communicate with natives

۲۰۰ اصطلاح مهم

Learn common English idioms used in work, business and everyday life .and you will definitely meet these idioms in movies and books

دوره جامع گرامر ۲

Learn the fundamentals of English grammar & Improve your English communication with knowledge of functional grammar

دوره خود خوان

Make the most of your Study time , Learn the most effective techniques and tips